
Welcome to the Orthodox Church of Assumption. Today, the Greek Orthodox Church has members from all nationalities and over 80% of our marriages are inter-faith. This is the reason the community of Assumption conducts worship services entirely in English. Throughout the year, classes are offered for inquirers.

Please visit our Catechumen Resource Page for current classes and the process for joining the Orthodox Church.

Assumption is a family friendly Church, we encourage children of all ages to participate in the worship services. Youth read the epistle lessons on Sunday and serve in the altar. The children are invited forward every Sunday after the Gospel lesson to participate in the children's sermon. Adults are encouraged to grow in faith and knowledge through participating in many different types of adult religious education programs like the "Studies in Orthodoxy" series.

The community is under the jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North America. In the United States, the Orthodox Church is administrated according to jurisdictions. Each jurisdiction is in communion with one another. The Assembly of Bishops has representatives from all jurisdictions. The Orthodox Church traces its history to the apostles. In 1054, the Pope of Rome split away from the Patriarch of Constantinople. This is what is known as the Great Schism.

The name "Assumption" refers to the feast day which celebrates the repose of the Virgin Mary which is also known as the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.  On August 15, the church remembers the Virgin Mary's death or falling asleep in Christ, this is a special day of celebration for our community. By referring to the church as "Assumption" it remembers a pious belief that after Mary's death her body was translated (assumed) into heaven as was the body of Elijah (2 Kings 2:11).

If you would like to discuss becoming a member of the Church please contact the church office or email me for an appointment. Welcome to our community!

Your co-worker in Christ,
Rev. Andrew J. Barakos, Economos

Priest of Assumption