Catechism & theology Courses
Our community uses small groups to provide participants with an informal setting for spiritual and personal growth. Led by our clergy, classes are held throughout the year to help parishioners share their faith and edify one another. When meeting, participants focus on reading a book or discussing a topic on the Orthodox way of life. These gatherings are an excellent way for Orthodox Christians to renew and deepen their faith.
For more general information and resources, please feel encouraged to visit our FAITH page, and check out the following links:
Winter Catechism Class 201C, A Five Part Series: “Living the Liturgy” (January 14-February 11, 2025)
Book Studies
Spiritual Disciplines (Six week study based on the book Toolkit for Spiritual Growth, by Fr Evan Armatas)
Various Studies
Church History
On Liturgy & Worship
Baptism & Entry Into The Orthodox Church
The Spiritual Life & Prayer
On Prayer