Assumption Greek Orthodox Church, Scottsdale Arizona
Please ensure your financial institution uses the following information when sending funds via wire transfer to Assumption Greek Orthodox Church, Scottsdale, Arizona. The account number and corresponding routing numbers directly fund our OPERATING ACCOUNT for Stewardship donations. Our Federal Tax-Exempt number is noted below. Please ensure your financial institution uses our local address for any checks or correspondence related to the transfer(s). If funds are coming from a charitable foundation account, please ensure that you or your financial institution advises whether or not your donation is tax credit eligible. Periodic and annual donation statements will be sent to donors. When sending in wire transfers, please contact Tanya Garrison, Assumption Bookkeeper, at and advise donor name, amount(s) of transfer(s) and anticipated funding date to ensure proper credit.
OPERATING ACCOUNT For Stewardship Donations
Account Name Assumption Greek Orthodox Church Operating Account
Account Address 8202 E Cactus Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Account Number 0072104634
Routing Number 071025661 Bank Name with Official Bank Address BMO Harris Bank N.A. 111 W Monroe Chicago IL 60603
Tax Exempt # 86-0909004