St. Silouan: Chapter 11: “On Spiritual Warfare”

“The saints from long experience learned from the grace of the Holy Spirit how to rage this war. The Holy Spirit appointed their footsteps and gave them understanding and the strength to overcome the enemy; but without the Holy Spirit the soul is incapable even of starting out upon the race, for she neither knows nor understands who and where her enemies are. (St. Silouan, pg. 115)”

“Pride is difficult to detect in oneself, but the Lord leaves the proud to be tormented by their powerlessness, until they humble themselves. (pg. 122)

A strategy for fighting the enemy – thoughts have primarily two sources either internal of external (demons, a memory, one’s imagination or from ones’ heart) and knowing the source is not important as knowing what to do when tempted. Reject the thought, call upon the Grace of the Holy Spirit and pray not to yield, surrender and give in)

Preventative – the Immunization of the Soul

a.) Pray for the Communion of the Holy Spirit: “Orthodox Christians…live under the protection of God’s mercy…the Lord had pity on us and gave us the Holy Spirit, Who abides in our Church.(Silouan, pg. 115)”

– Chrismation, A KEY experience of every Liturgy, Confession

b.) Vigilance – “Our battle rages every day and every hour…and this is the war Christians wage their life long…it lasts until death. (pg. 115, 121)

Watchfulness – examining thoughts, checking thoughts, scrutinizing thoughts i.e. what are they telling us?

“Train yourself to cut off an intrusive thought immediately. And if you are forgetful and fail to chase them away at once bring God your repentance. Be at pains over this, so that you acquire the habit. The soul is a creature of habit: according to the habit you have acquired, so will you act all the rest of your life (pg. 123).”

c.) Know what NOT to do, that which prevent the Holy Spirit from coming

 Do not upbraid or judge anyone – it destroys peace (pg. 115)

 Do not boast, or place yourself above anyone – it destroys grace (pg. 115)

 Do not desire power or a love for money – such desires prevent us from knowing the love of God (pg. 115)

 Do not follow our own will but always seek the will of God – this is a defeat and leads to despondency. (pg. 115)

 Do not hate anyone –hatred is indicative of having fallen away from God and makes us vulnerable to demonic influence. (pg. 115)

 Do not trust visions or spiritual experiences – it is a source of evil pride and vanity; it may take away a spirit of repentance (pg. 120)

“Do not lose heart over the struggle, for the Lord loves a brave fighter (pg. 124).”

d.) Know what TO do, that which invites for the Holy Spirit to come

 Drive away malicious thoughts that come to us – they make us lose love for God and confidence in prayer (pg. 115)

 Do good to everyone – and your conscience will find rest, peace (pg. 116)

 Subdue your will by place it under God’s will – enemies will be driven off and you will find peace. (pg. 116)

 Forgive everyone and love your enemies – this allows us to enter into the love of the Holy Spirit – the great unifier (pg. 116)

 Humble ourselves, weep over sins, – find peace to our restlessness – being disconnected from God (pg. 116)

 Die to yourself every day (pg. 117)

 Seek to obey God and follow the spiritual advise of another, seek council, be a student, do not trust your judgement (pg. 121)

 Consider oneself as essentially incapable of anything other than a seeker of the will of God and to obey it. (pg. 121)

 Seek to overcome self-love by - knowing oneself, ones’ weaknesses, always seek to humble ourselves, finding tears of repentance (pg. 122)

 Know your own capacity and do not take on burdens you cannot bear, or are beyond ones’ reach – there is no universal WAY for everyone. (pg. 122)

e.) Seek ways to show and grow in ones’ love for God

 By striving every day, long to abide by the commandments of God (pg. 123)

 Allow every thought to be held captive by God alone (pg. 123)

 Resisting wrong thoughts – shows love for God (pg. 123)

 Struggling against sin, asking God for strength not to sin, sorrowing over our failures and repenting afterwards - shows love for God (pg. 123)

Thoughts on Departing This Life: Chapter 12

“But when the soul beholds the Lord she rejoices in His meek and merciful Countenance, and the Lord in the abundance of His gentleness and love remembers not her sins. One glance at the Lord, and the love of Him will take up its abode in the soul, and from love of God and the sweetness of the Holy Spirit she will be all transformed. (pg. 126).”