Assumption Greek Orthodox Church will begin hosting a weekly recovery meeting rooted in the teachings and Traditions of the Orthodox Church. While this is not an Alcoholic Anonymous (“AA”) meeting, it will be rooted in an Orthodox understanding and application of the Twelve Steps used by AA.
Who Should Attend?
Those who are currently in recovery and anyone who has the desire to stop drinking or using drugs are welcome to attend, whether you are Orthodox, a catechumen or an inquirer who is new to Orthodoxy.
What are the meetings about?
This is a meeting for both those who are in recovery from alcoholism/drug use or anyone who has a sincere desire to stop drinking/using drugs. We will discuss the twelve steps used by AA through the lens of Orthodoxy and better understand how our Orthodox faith is so crucial to our recovery.
When will we meet?
We meet on Friday evenings at 5:30 p.m.
Where will we meet?
Meetings will be held at the Ministry House located on the east end of the campus of Assumption Church.
Why meet?
In the words of Fr. Father Christophe Lepoutre, an Orthodox priest and addictions counsellor: The Orthodox Church contains within it the most pure, comprehensive and holistic methods of treatment available to mankind for the healing of the soul and body. A deeper level of spiritual and emotional sobriety are given to all them that seek the Lord within the Holy Orthodox Church, which is considered by the fathers as a ‘spiritual hospital.’
Anonymity and confidentiality are the cornerstones to any recovery meeting. All meetings will be held in the strictest of confidence.