Abba Father Prayer Ministry

Led by ministry coordinator, Janet Cummings-Geiser, Assumption's prayer ministry provides a vehicle for disseminating prayer requests to those who are willing to receive e-mail prayer request updates. A weekly list of prayer needs is sent from those in our parish who have requested prayer for themselves or someone they know. A monthly "Missions Prayer List" of prayer requests is also sent for Orthodox missions and Orthodox charities. The Missions Prayer List is generally lengthy, it is suggested that prayer partners either pray for one or two individuals/projects per day, or that they select one or two individuals/projects that interest them and pray regularly for those needs.  

Anyone who has a prayer request, or who would like to become a prayer partner may contact Janet at, or (602) 810-1533.  Both the weekly prayer lists and the monthly missions prayer lists are available on the literature table in the outer narthex on Sundays or in the Church office during the week.  

In general, the prayer lists contain enough information to help the prayer partners pray effectively, but without unnecessary detail which would compromise anyone's privacy or be mis-interpreted as gossip.  

The goal of the prayer ministry is three-fold: 

  • To provide prayer support to those who request prayer and for Orthodox missions and charities around the world.

  • To provide an opportunity for the prayer partners to develop consistent prayer lives that are focused on the needs of others.

  • To provide a way that lay people can actively participate in God's work through Orthodox missions and charity organizations both in the U.S. and in other countries.