Becoming a Member
To become a member of the Orthodox Church means that one enjoys the same sacraments and way of life that the ancient church established. The process of joining the church varies according to each person's situation and circumstances.
Baptized Christians are generally received through the sacrament of chrismation. In general, the Orthodox Church does not re-baptize a Christian who has received baptism in a mainline Protestant or the Roman Catholic Church. The criterion is that the baptism was done in the name of the Trinity along with proof, i.e. a certificate or parental verification. The Orthodox Church does not accept the baptisms of Mormons. An initial consultation is done with the priest by appointment and then, a method of preparation for the chrismation is discussed.
Recommended Books on the Orthodox Church
There are two books recommended for a general overview of the Orthodox Church. Fr. Anthony Coniaris, Introducing the Orthodox Church, and, Bishop Kallistos Ware's, The Orthodox Church. For those whose backgrounds are Protestant, the following may prove helpful: Fr. Jordan Bajis', Common Ground: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity, and Fr. Peter Gillquist's, Becoming Orthodox.
A DVD series on the faith is also available through Fr. Andrew. Attending a series of introductory classes is required. Assumption offers classes throughout the year for inquirers preparing to join the Church.
Items Needed for a Chrismation:
- Godparent/Sponsor who is a member of the Orthodox Church
- Candle (usually, ornately decorated)
- Cross necklace
Never Been Baptized
A person who has never been baptized is received through Baptism, Chrismation and Holy Communion. In order to marry an Orthodox Christian one must be a baptized Christian. Assumption has an outdoor adult baptismal font that is used for this purpose.
Items Needed for an Adult Baptism:
- Godparent/Sponsor who is a member of the Orthodox Church (cannot be the parent of a fiancé)
- White bathrobe, a large white bath towel and a white hand towel
- Sandals and white clothes to change into afterwards
- Small bottle of olive oil and white bar of soap
- Candle (usually, ornately decorated)
- Cross necklace
- Modest one piece bathing suit
There are no fees associated with joining the Orthodox Church. Once received, each new member enrolls as a Steward of the Church, and actively participates in the sacramental life of the Church.
Please contact Fr. Andrew and schedule an appoint to begin the process.